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A Message from our Chairman, President and CEO J. G. Rosholt

April 2020

Community First Bank customers,

COVID-19 is causing many questions, but access to your money shouldn’t be one of them. Here’s what you need to know about your money and banks under Wisconsin’s “Safer at Home” order.

You have continued access to your funds and bank services.
We are considered an essential service which means you continue to have access to your funds through in-person and self-service tools, through online banking and our alternative digital channels @CFB Mobile. Currently our Drive-Ups are open during regular business hours, Monday-Friday. With the current conditions, our hours may change on as needed basis. You can verify them by calling 715-344-5522 or email

Your money is safe, secure, and insured.
FDIC deposit insurance currently covers up to $250,000 per person and ensures the security of consumers’ funds. Congress is working on legislation providing authority for the FDIC to increase this coverage through December 31, 2020. No consumer has lost a single penny in the history of this insurance fund.

Community First Bank is looking out for you, your family and your business.
Small Business Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) is open, this Act has provisions and programs that we are hopeful will provide critical help to our businesses impacted by COVID-19 and are being administered through the US Small Business Administration (SBA) and facilitated through banks.

To get enrolled into the program, email us and we’ll get you an application.
We are here to assist you with all your financial needs.

Make it a great day, because it’s community first.

J. G. Rosholt, President/CEO
Community First Bank

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