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The simple solution for a one-time need.

At Community First Bank, our home equity loans provide you with a single sum of money designed to suit your borrowing needs. Whether you're buying a new car or paying college tuition, we can help. Available with variable rates and flexible maturity and payment options, our home equity loans will make your equity borrowing simple.

Home Equity Lines
     The borrowing solution that lasts a lifetime.

Judging by its popularity, many people already appreciate the terrific convenience of our Home Equity Line of Credit.

Once you have established a Home Equity Line of Credit at Community First Bank, you will receive access checks to access your line. Then all you need to do is decide how much of your credit line you use and when and why you use it. It is no longer necessary to come in to the bank when you need a loan. You can just use your Home Equity Line of Credit access checks! If you utilize our CFB Online Banking, you are able to make transfers from your home equity loan to your CFB checking account.

With a variable rate and a balance that can rise or fall, your minimum monthly payment will vary. You always have the option of paying more than the minimum whenever you like. The repaid principal goes back into your equity reserve, available for you to use again.

Why Equity borrowing?

Three reasons why equity borrowing may be the best choice for today's homeowners.

  1. Tax Advantages
    The interest you pay on most types of consumer borrowing is no longer tax deductible. You may, however, be able to deduct every penny of interest when you borrow against the equity in your home, regardless of how the money is used. (For details, consult your tax advisor.)
  2. Low Rates
    That's why Community First Bank offers home equity rates that are lower than most other forms of credit.
  3. Substantial Sums
    With an equity loan or credit line, you can typically borrow up to 90% of your home's value, minus any mortgage debt.

At Community First Bank, our equity borrowing programs are designed with consumers like you in mind. That is why we give you a choice in managing how you borrow... and how you repay your loan to restore your home's equity.

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