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Commercial Checking Account

Big Value, minimal fee. This checking account will help you efficiently manage your business funds.

Minimum Opening Deposit $100.00
Monthly Maintenance Fee $20.00 (if daily balance falls below $1,500 any day of the statement period or the average daily balance falls below $3,000)
A $0.20 fee per check or debit applies unless: 100 checks or less clear your account in a statement period and a $10,000.00 minimum balance is maintained in this account or a combination of all accounts. Or, more than 100 checks clear your account in a statement period and a $20,000.00 minimum balance is maintained in this account or a combination of all accounts.
$7.50 daily continuous overdraft fee A daily continuous overdraft fee will be assessed each day after your acount has been overdrawn for three consecutive days.


Small Business Checking Account

Designed with the sole proprietorship in mind. This account is clear-cut and easy to use.

Minimum Opening Deposit $100.00
Monthly Maintenance Fee $5.75 (if daily balance falls below $500.00 any day of the statement period or the average daily balance falls below $1,000.00)
A $0.20 fee applies to each check above 30 clearing in a statement period. Automated Clearing house (ACH) and Business Debit Card transactions are not counted toward the 30 free items per statement cycle.
$7.50 daily continuous overdraft fee A daily continuous overdraft fee will be assessed each business day after your account has been overdrawn for three consecutive business days.



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