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CD's will remain on deposit with the bank for a specified time or to a specific date. Three month certificates require a $500.00 minimum balance to open and other certificates require a $1,000.00 minimum balance to open and obtain the stated Annual Percentage Yield (APY) and interest rate.

Certificates of Deposit: Simple Interest

3 Month $ 500.00
6 Month $1,000.00
1 Year $1,000.00
18 Month $1,000.00
2 Year $1,000.00
3 Year $1,000.00
5 Year $1,000.00
Negotiable Rate $100,000.00
Easy Advantage IRA $ 200.00


Our Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are a smart way to prepare for you financial future. We offer Traditional and Roth IRAs with many investment options. Your investment earnings compound tax-free year after year, which allows your retirement nest egg to grow faster. In certain cases, your IRA contribution is also tax-deductible. Please consult a professional tax specialist for IRS rules governing Individual Retirement Accounts, including differences between Traditional IRA and Roth IRA tax treatments and IRS penalties on funds withdrawn from IRAs. Contact us for more details on how to get started today!

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