(325) 356-2577

Alert:  Debit Card Security - A Guide for Our Customers

We may be calling you.

To protect your account, we monitor your ATM and debit card transactions for potentially fraudulent activity which may include a sudden change in locale (such as when a U.S.-issued card is used unexpectedly overseas), a sudden string of costly purchases or any pattern associated with new fraud trends around the world. 

If we suspect fraudulent ATM or debit card use, we'll be calling you to validate the legitimacy of your transactions.  Your participation in responding to our call is critical to prevent potential risk and avoid restrictions we may place on the use of your card.

  • Our automated call will ask you to verify recent transaction activity on your card
  • You'll be able to respond via your touchtone keypad
  • You'll also be provided a toll-free number to call should you have additional questions

Our goal, quite simply, is to minimize your exposure to risk and the impact of any fraud. To ensure we can continue to reach you whenever potential fraud is detected, please keep us informed of your correct phone number and address at all times.  When planning a trip out of state or out of country, please give us a call so we can be sure you have access to your funds through your debit card.

For additional information on debit card security go to the Convenience Services tab and review:  Protect Yourself Against ATM/VISA Debit Card Fraud.  

As always, please feel free to call us at (325)356-2577 if you have any questions.

Alert: Don’t fall victim to online scams.

Your security is important to us. We have provided the following tools and resources to help you avoid becoming a victim of phishing scams and to help you practice safe computing.

Never provide your personal financial information in response to an unsolicited request, whether it is over the phone or over the internet. Remember that we will never ask you for your personal financial information by e-mail.

To learn how phishing scams work, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you fall victim to a scam, please click on the links below.




Alert: Protect Your Personal Information. Use Strong Passwords.

Keep your passwords in a secure place, and out of plain view. Do not share your passwords on the Internet, over email, or on the phone. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) should never ask for your password.

A good, strong password should meet all three of these criteria:

1. Over eight characters in length.
2. Combines letters, number, and symbols, but:

  • Not sequential or repeating combinations, such as "123456", or "22222", "abcdefg", or adjacent letters on your keyboard
  • Not common words with letters replaced by numbers or symbols, such as M1cr0$0ft or P@ssw0rd.

3. Easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess, and:

  • Not your login name, your spouse's name, or personal information, such as birthdays, pet's name, social security number, etc.
  • Not words found in the dictionary, in any language, or words spelled backwards.
  • Not hard-to-remember.

One way to create a strong password is to think of a memorable phrase and use the first letter of each word as your password, converting some letters into numbers that resemble letters. An example is: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck" would become HmWc@wc.