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Committed to Our Communities


Minster Bank takes the community in community bank seriously.  It defines who we are.  As a corporate citizen in the communities we serve, we view our contributions as a pledge of our commitment to making our local communities a better place to live and work.  Whether through direct financial support, in kind donations, or volunteer time by our employees and board of directors our support of charitable and community initiatives focuses on programs that we believe can have a meaningful impact on our communities.


We direct our giving and our community involvement to areas that we believe are important to our communities' future vitality and success.  We are committed to reinvesting in our communities and in particular, serving the low and moderate-income populations.  We also are proud to support our local high school graduates by awarding a financial scholarship reward each year to ten local graduates.  We firmly believe in making a financial investment back to the communities and schools within our marketplace.


Minster Bank has always and will continue to uphold a strong tradition of working together to build the great places that we call home.  We live and work where you do and have a keen interest in making it a better place. 



Minster Bank
To report a lost or stolen Visa Debit Card, please call: 1-800-472-3272. To report a lost or stolen Visa Credit Card, please call: 1-800-444-6938.
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