Bank of Dixon County
Internet Banking
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Check Imaging - Internet Banking Fraud Attempts 'Phishing'

Check Imaging is now exclusively offered without cost to our customers. Images are now available thru BDC Internet Banking.
Internet Banking
is here, and you can view a demonstration or sign up on our Home page.

Fraud Attempts with internet Banking - We have reports of fraud attempts increasing as customers try to log in to internet banking websites. This is called "phishing."

Remember, we will never ask you to provide personal information or account numbers in order to Log In to BDC Internet Banking. Never answer these types of questions to access any website.
Fraud attempts usually take you to a different looking access page and say we can not identify your computer. It then asks you to provide 'personal' access information. Never give such information as these requests come from "malware" virus attacks at your computer.
Malware usually enters and infects your computer from an Email or compromised website.

Remember, any computer using Internet Banking should have anti-virus and anit-malware protection installed and kept up to date!
If you have questions, always contact our IT Department at 755-2224 or 1-800-576-8084.

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Community Involvement

Do you want to fully understand the unique character and value of small town community living? It's simple: Get involved in your community as a volunteer. That is what makes our "way of life" so worthwhile. You can help with the Newcastle Labor Day celebration, the Jackson Picnic, Ponca's Nifty 50s or the Ponca State Park Missouri River Outdoor Expo each September.

There are hundreds of ways to be involved in community, school, church, youth activities, community organizations and clubs, fire and rescue units, libraries, local government and much, much more.

By working together, we build the "quality of life" we value and enjoy. Call one of our bank locations and ask how to get involved. Tell us your interest and we will connect you with the right people so you can . . . get involved and experience the difference.



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My BDC Budget

My BDC Budget program is a simple spreadsheet you can download for your own personal budget use. It can be a great help for family and household financial planning. By saving the spreadhseet on your own PC you are able to update My BDC Budget at any time. A good budget is essential to good credit and personal financial success. You can even use our My BDC Budget when applying for a loan.


Google Search

BDC Promotions

Check Imaging is now provided for all customers. You asked for imaging and it is now here with no extra cost. Images are now available on our Internet Bankiing website.

Stop in and receive a cool new BDC Mousepad when you sign up for BDC Internet Banking, or sign up on line from our Home Page. We will send you your own ID # and Enrollment Password for Internet Banking.



Consumer Information Tips

Protect your personal information and do not include confidential account numbers, passwords or other personal information in Email. Never give out personal information on the telephone unless you are certain about the purpose, and who you are talking with. Always use caution.

Personal budgeting is essential to financial sucess. Let us know if we can help. You can acces "My BDC Budget" directly from our website and get started now.


Debit Card Fraud Alert - New Information Added
The Safe Route - When it comes to being protected from fraud always call us promptly at 1-800-576-8084 with any questions.
Notify us immediately of any unusual activity on your accounts. You can do this by siging up for BDC Internet Banking and monitoring your accounts closely.

Massive Heartland Fraud Solved - The U.S. Secret Service has changed three men with the theft of millions of debit and credit card numbers. One man was arrested in Florida and the other two are believed to be from Russia.
The data breach at Heartland processing services is believed to the largest in U.S. history and use of the stolen numbers occurred worldwide.

Help us Watch for Fraud - We monitor all our card use daily 24/7. We will contact you about anything that appears unusual. YOU CAN HELP by monitoring your accounts for any items that may not be yours and reporting them promptly.

Add to your Safety with BDC Internet Banking - Many of our customers watch their accounts closely, sometimes daily by signing up for our Free Internet Banking. You can view all account activity OnLine as well as see images of your checks and deposits.

The above Information was Posted November 5, 2009

FUTURE INFORMATION - As we obtain new information about debit or credit card fraud or ways to secure your use we will add it to this Community Page. Current Information will be dated and added at the top of this page.


Check Imaging
Check images are now exclusively offered to all customers without any new fees or charges. You will love the ease and convenience of images.
Actual checks will now longer be available. Check images are now available for viewing or printing from our website.

To access your images log in to internet banking. From the account list tab click on the balance of the account you want to select. To view an image simply double click the [F] to view the front or [B] to view the back of your check.


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