Bank of Dixon County
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Kids and Students







Kids Saver Club

Each year we offer great gifts to students when school begins to help kids and young students begin a regular savings plan with BDC. We help you set weekly or monthly savings goals, and we help you watch your savings grow.
Our Kids Club teaches good financial habits as well as responsibility tips your parents will appreciate.

Good Student Kids Club Rewards
All our Kids Club members are encouraged to do their homework and do their best to get good grades in school. Each time your parent, a grandparent or family friend makes a Great Report Card deposit to your Kids Club account, we add another dollar to your account.
We want Our BDC Kids to learn the importance of studying, and saving, because they are both important to your future.

High School Students
Start off now on the right foot by beginning to save the money you earn. You have to Save First. It simply doesn't work to spend what you want and "save the rest." Ask adults who have learned the hard way, there is never anything left. You must learn to Save First.
You can start now with our simple No Minimum Balance Savings Account.
It will begin building good credit and help prepare you for the future.
We also offer internet access checking and other convenient services. Start now and get to know us, and learn why The BDC Difference can begin now.

BDC College Student's Plan
We have a special program of services just for our college students. We include an internet accessed checking account that includes a VISA Check card with ATM Cash advances, an overdraft protection savings account and a "begin building your credit rating" VISA Credit Card subject to approval.

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Kids Trivia

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Planning for College

Start planning early, your freshman or sophomore year is not too soon. Going to college or getting further education at a tech school or community college is very important to your financial future. Education is a big key to success in today's complex world. The competition is tough out there, so begin planning now to continue your education after high school.

Student Loans - The best information available about Government Student Loans and other sources of financing higher education is right at your own school with your Guidance Counselor. They can also help you understand and apply for other sources of funding like scholarships.

Bank Scholarship - Each year the Bank of Dixon County provides a scholarship for a graduating senior in Ponca and Newcastle. Ask your school's guidance counselor how you can apply for the BDC Scholarship.

HOBY Leadership - We also sponsor a Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership applicant each year. This summer session really helps young people learn the skills and importance of leadership. Ask your school how you can apply.

Other Questions - Preparing for college is a big step with loads of things to consider, learn and plan. Checking accounts, debit or cash cards, insurance, internet banking, budgeting are all important. The best way we can assist you is simply stop in and talk to one of our officers. We can help with any question you have.

One thing you will need to know is about budgeting before you ever finish high school. So, here's our simple, but important budget program next.

My BDC Budget - Our own My BDC Budget program can help you get off to a good financial start. Learning to carefully budget your money is essential to personal, family or business financial success. Click My BDC Budget and you can download our "pdf"' Excel spreadsheet to your own PC.

Attention please: College, Tech and High School Students, or if you are starting out on your own, think about this one . . . with My BDC Budget you can impress your friends and amaze your parents. It's simple, give it a try.

If you want help with your first budget, just make an appointment with any one of our officers, or call 1-800-576-8084 if you have ANY questions about the spreadsheet.
Helping with your budget is just one way we provide the extra personal assistance you deserve from your Bank.

Financial Advice
Where do young people and students get most of their financial advice? We know, from their parents, and grandma, and probably Uncle Bob, too.

Why not ask your banker? We like to say it this way: If you are sick you go see a doctor. If the car doesn't run you take it to a car mechanic. So, if you have financial questions, ask your banker. Helping people with their financial needs and questions is what we do every day. We help our customers learn the ropes for financial success.

Here are a few typical things we talk with people about every day:

  • Buying a Car
  • Renting an Apartment
  • Buying Furniture
  • Insurance
  • Paying Taxes
  • Credit Cards
  • Charge Accounts
  • Contracts
  • Buying a Home
  • Finding a Job
  • Being a Reference
  • Starting a Business
  • Credit Scores
  • Internet Fraud
  • Doing a Budget

Get to know a BDC banker personally. Just call us and say, "I want to set up an appointment so I can have my own BDC banker."

It's a relationship that will Last a Lifetime.

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Kids Calculator

Kids Calculator
If I save dollars each month,
how much will I have at the end of month(s)?

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The BDC Difference

We have customers that live all over with United States and in some foreign countries. Many of them grew up in Ponca or lived and banked here at one time. Each of them built a personal relationship with us, so we know them.

People move often these days. Away from home, off to college and then on to another job in another city. And many times eventually back home again. But our BDC customers have learned they do not have to change banks just because they move.

With today's technology, internet banking, direct deposit, e-mail and debit and credit cards one bank is all you will ever need . . . no matter where you live today, or tomorrow.

"It's whole new world of banking."

Technology makes BDC Banking simple. With internet banking, automated debits and deposits, electronic check cards, digital statements, e-mail, TeleBank and Toll Free phone numbers. You will never need to change banks . . . no matter where you live.

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